Sunday, March 31, 2013

Funny Bone | Want Does Not Mean Can

“I say I want, not necessary mean I can...”

This is the best way to say no without hurting others.
“I say I want to help, not necessary mean I can...”
“I say I want to date the Princess of GGC, not necessary mean I can...”
It is a good excuse for your shortcomings.

This quote originated from a member claiming he wants to quit gambling each time he loses. The irony was his losses were not catastrophic. Having said it too many times without taking the necessary action, he became the boy who cried wolf. Each time he said he wants to quit gambling, he will be ridicule by other members. Members finally call him the great pretender. Fed up of being labelled as the pretender he finally said, “I say I want, not necessary mean I can...”

The addiction of gambling is strong. You want to stop gambling but you may not have the will power to do it. You don't need huge losses to stop. You may just be tired of it after awhile but you just can't walk away from the table.

The best application for this is on the table. I want to make a twin towers with pineapple chips not necessary mean I can. Setting high goals is very destructive.


  1. You anticipated I would say this, "I want to make a twin towers with pineapple chips not necessary mean I can"?

  2. Yes, I was oping to see this reaction from you.
