Thursday, March 21, 2013

Newbie's Hangout | Roulette Tutorials

There are 37 numbers on the roulette wheel from 0 to 36. A variety of betting options are available. Different coloured chips are used by the players to differentiate one player's bet from another.

roulette betting table

Bets on the gaming table must be placed according to the described or accepted betting positions as show above. The types of bets and their payout are as listed below

Type of Bet Payout
2. Single or Straight Up 35 to 1
3. Split 17 to 1
4. Street 11 to 1
5. Square or Corner 8 to 1
6. Line 5 to 1
7. Column 2 to 1
8. Dozen 2 to 1
9. Even Money Bets 1 to 1

French bets are divide into 3 zones as shown below. There is another zone within a zone.

french bet zone

French bets attempts to use as little outlay as possible to cover sections of the roulette wheel. The bets are mainly made of of splits and singles.


  1. How does this French bets work?

  2. Let me start you off with some roulette notation. You look at the roulette table and see how you are suppose to place the bets base on the notation.

    A single number is denoted by a single number eg 0.

    Splits are two numbers separate by a dash 1/2 or 1/4.
    Squares are also separate by slash 1/5 and 2/4 are they same bets. If you use 1/2 or 4/5 they will be confuse for splits.

    Street are denoted by dash for the numbers they cover, like 1-3 or 4-6 for streets or 1-6 or 4-9 for lines.

    Now I will cover the orphelins section and you cover the tier du cylindre section here. Let others do their homework to cover the last section.
    The orphelins is a five piece wager as follow 1, 6/9, 14/17, 17/20 and 31/34.

  3. Tier du cylindre is a five piece wager as follow 5/8, 10/11, 13/16, 23/24, 27/30 and 30/36. Am I correct?

  4. Yes, correct. I am waiting for someone to write out voisions de zero

  5. I am thinking of trying these french bets.

  6. If you want to change due to your recent loss then it is not advisable. You just had one losing session and you want to change your system. Soon you will be caught up with looking for the Holy Grail.
