Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Commentary | Keeping Gambling Record

keeping records

SavySeph urges people who are serious about gambling to keep records. To some extend GGC also encourages the keeping of records by posting BR or Battle Reports (a summarized account of our gambling session - for detail account of GGC BR format see our terminology page.) One of the problems with our BR is the tendency for members to only report winning BR and withhold the losing ones. It is okay to withhold your loosing BR from the thread. Some losses do make you feel stupid and you do not want to share it. As long as you have discipline to keep good records that you can easily retrieve you will learn from your mistakes.


  1. Keep records only when you feel good but neglected it when you feel lousy. Does this sounds familiar to anyone?

    1. Well, I am guilty of record the good and not the bad.

    2. I am guilty of recording the good and not the bad too. I guess that shows I am not very serious about gambling. Most people in GGC are the same too. They share the winning BR with eagerness and enthusiasm and keep loosing BR to themselves.

    3. This is money in the bank but not many people can visualize so they don't do it.

  2. Doing journalistic record of your gambling session is so mundane but it helps, I will do it.
