Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Comentary | Casino Max Bet

picture to depict deadliest weapon

The casino deadliest weapon serves to guard the casino from going bust. It helps the casino reduce their risk exposure. This policy shows the kaisu (fear of losing) mentality of the casino. Isn't it ironic that that a company whose nature of business is gambling embraces the kiasu concept while punters do not store such word in their dictionary?


  1. Kiasu mentality always lead to crybaby attitude.

  2. Good comment Guerrilla! I like this,
    "Isn't it ironic that that a company whose nature of business is gambling embraces the kiasu concept while punters do not store such word in their dictionary?"

    1. Wow, you are try to learn our Malaysian lingo. I am impression, SavySeph.

    2. "Kiasu" sounds like a variation of Chinese. Su is lose in Chinese.

    3. XingCai, the dialect is hokkien or fujian. Kia is the word for scared or fear of.
