Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Commentary | Gamblers Armaments

weapons for the gambler

These are SavySeph's armament list.

I am not disappointed that they are mostly defensive weapons. Look at Tip 7 (House Edge), Tip 8 (Randomness), and Tip 11 (Distraction Tactics) it should not come as a surprise that the gambler is on the defensive. If you choose not to use these weapons because they lack finesse, then you will be at the loosing end.

As guerrillas, GGC is no overly concern about state of the art weapons or tools. We have always pride ourselves for "sawing down a big tree with a small knife" (Chinese proverb).


  1. I like this sawing down a big tree with a small knife. It is all about leverage when it come to gambling.

    1. I should keep guerrilla methodology in mind. Tactics is more superior than equipment.

  2. The best weapons is of no help if the user is incompetent.

    1. If you don't know how to use a crossbow you will end up hurting yourself.

  3. Tools helps to get the job done. Not using them is stubborn stupidity.
