Saturday, June 14, 2014

Commentary | Unshuffled Cards Used at Casinos

I thought using unshuffled cards would be a party for gamblers. I never thought such things existed but there were two cases for the past 3 years. It is just like betting on tie for baccarat. The event will not come for a long time but when it come you get a few more occurrences.

This sounds like a fun time for the dragon raiders especially for those who spotted the card sequence. It was like 41 wins in a row for the last case.

Golden Nugget Unshuffled Card Game.

As with most parties, there is always a party pooper. The court ruling was way out of line. If this were to happen in Malaysia, most of us will cry - CORRUPTION! XingCai had a few interesting critique.

More on XingCai's Webpage.

1 comment:

  1. Sloppy card maker is given important job to make sure card is fair.
